Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hunting For Treasures!

Today, I had the privileged of going to Washington University's Archive Room.
I had done some research and fund out , they had some documents donated to them.
So I called and requested that I be able to come in and look at them, take down some notes and take pictures. I am also getting copies of every document I have come across so far. Unfortunately, some of the documents ink is very light.So I requested that they scan them for me, using a better scanner than a home user would have. They are backed up with requests right now, and they will not be ready for a few weeks. :(
Till then,  I do have the Pictures! But, those will take a while to load up as well. Besides,..... Did you really think I was going to spoil the surprise of the scans to read, by showing you the Pictures??  hehe
I was a fun filled 5 hours of reading and sitting in awe. I mean, My Great Great Grand Father held (at one time) These very same documents!! It's just like the ledger to the factory I own. I get all teary eyed just thinking about it! History is amazing. :)

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