Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hunting For Treasures!

Today, I had the privileged of going to Washington University's Archive Room.
I had done some research and fund out , they had some documents donated to them.
So I called and requested that I be able to come in and look at them, take down some notes and take pictures. I am also getting copies of every document I have come across so far. Unfortunately, some of the documents ink is very light.So I requested that they scan them for me, using a better scanner than a home user would have. They are backed up with requests right now, and they will not be ready for a few weeks. :(
Till then,  I do have the Pictures! But, those will take a while to load up as well. Besides,..... Did you really think I was going to spoil the surprise of the scans to read, by showing you the Pictures??  hehe
I was a fun filled 5 hours of reading and sitting in awe. I mean, My Great Great Grand Father held (at one time) These very same documents!! It's just like the ledger to the factory I own. I get all teary eyed just thinking about it! History is amazing. :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Welcome Everyone!

 My name is Rachel .

 I am about to embark on quest to find out about my families past, for my children's future. 
Some of you who visit, may be researching Joseph Peters Furniture Co your selves. 
Wondering who he is? What about his company? How old is my piece? What year was it made? 

Well, I am here to answer some of those questions for you. As well as finding out some questions for my self.  I just recently started this journey back up again. I love history and am passionate about the preservation of such items. It pains me to know, that someday when my children are older, they will no longer have or know of, such things.

How this all started-

About 4/5 years ago, I went upstairs in my Grandparents house. In a closet I found a old stack of books. The bindings were in so so, condition. With all pages intact. I walked them down to my grandfather, asking him if I could have them. He said he didn't know what they were, but didn't look of any use to him anymore. 

What I ended up obtaining, were The original Ledgers For his furniture company, As well as his canning  company. Originally dating back to_____.
I had no idea what a history my family had! I had made a few responses to those who wrote questions on the internet, trying to find out info on their pieces. My quest then fizzled.
Only due to life getting busy, work,school had twins. You know! 

So Here I am.

 Now setting up this site to Share my findings, info, pictures, stories and documents. 
I hope you enjoy and bare with me. It may take some time to get everything up and running!

Lets find my past together!
